Community-based residences for adults who have developmental disabilities.
About the Program
CARINGHouse Projects provides services to residents in CARING’s 55 community-based residences throughout New Jersey for adults who have developmental disabilities.
Each CARINGHouse residence has been developed to provide housing and supportive services for four to eight individuals in a family-like setting. The positive, affirming aspects of this environment have enabled many of the CARINGHouse residents to transition from life in a state Developmental Center to life in the community, while becoming more independent in many aspects of personal care and life skills. Through the work of the dedicated and professional CARING staff, the residents are provided with opportunities for many more experiences and personal growth than would otherwise have been possible in an institution.
Who Qualifies?
In order to qualify for admission to a CARING group home, an individual must :
Meet the New Jersey, Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) criteria by being diagnosed with a developmental disability before turning 21
Be a legal U.S. citizen and a resident of New Jersey
Be eligible and enrolled in Medicaid. Examples of qualifying DDD diagnoses are Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Spina bifida, Down’s Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, or an Intellectual or Cognitive Disability.
For additional information about CaringHouse Projects, please contact:
Naomi Miller
(609) 484-7050, ext. 221