Friendly Visiting
In-home conversation and social interaction on a regular basis.
About the Program
The CARING staff who provide Friendly Visiting services bring the opportunity for conversation and social contact to --plus help with such activities as letter writing, reading, household budgeting, and similar activities. Periodic visits are scheduled, affording each participant much-welcomed Friendly Visit on a regular basis.
Beginning with an in-home assessment completed by the CARING social worker, a plan of care is developed for each participant. In addition to arranging the plan of care, the CARING social worker will offer suggestions about other services and make referrals for participants. The social worker is available for participants of Friendly Visiting services to call when additional assistance with social services would be helpful.
Friendly Visiting by CARING receives funding by Atlantic County Government through the Older Americans Act Title IIIE and SSBG.
Who Qualifies?
Atlantic County residents who are sixty years of age and older, living alone, are home-bound or without access to the community, and who are not linked to services that are delivered in-person to the home will benefit from Friendly Visiting.
For additional information about Friendly Visiting by CARING, please please contact Fred Meineke at (609) 485-0424 or FMeineke@caringinc.org.